How To Win Friends and Influence People- Book Review & Takeaways

Reading How To Win Friends and Influence People was a dramatic experience for me,

So much goes into the way people talk to each other and listen to what’s being said,

Whether you are a quiet person or moderately social, this book might just reveal how you appear to others,

But that doesn’t mean you have to be conscious of everything,

Here are some things that I loved from the book and am definitely looking forward to practicing in daily life…

How To Win Friends and Influence People- Book Review

If you think this book is for shy, introverted people, who don’t know how to make conversations,

Then No, I have to say, it’s not the only thing this book is for.

The book has so much to offer than the confidence of going up to someone and making a conversation.

The way you talk to someone, the way you listen, the way you ask, and the way you answer, matter a lot in how well a person you seem

And by ‘well’ I mean someone you wouldn’t want to avoid meeting in malls.

How To Win Friends and Influence People, is about what you can offer in your current relationships and what you can start doing for your new ones

So you can think of it as adding an upgrade to your current version and a way of making genuine connections.

How To Win Friends and Influence People- Important Takeaways

This section might contain a few spoilers so you can absolutely skip it if you want,

And if you are like me and really enjoy talking about the things a book made you realize, jump right in…

Here are some things that I, from now on, swear to live by. Of course, I’ll forget sometimes but I will also try my best to remember everything this book has taught me, and with that the important things I learned…

  • Remember Names
  • Think from other’s perspectives as well
  • Avoid Arguments
  • Be a good Listener
  • Get people to say Yes
  • Accept criticism
  • Appeal to Noble motives
  • Smile

If you’ve also read the book, do tell me what you liked as well. I’d love to have a conversation about this one.

Things I absolutely loved,

  1. The Quotes: I love highlighting or writing down quotes I find inspiring from almost all the books that I read and surely this one is not an exception. In fact, it has a very good collection of quotes from some of the well-known names which in its own way is a cherry on the cake, like an unexpected cameo in your favorite movie.
  2. The Narration: I listened to the audiobook on Audible and I must tell you it is a very good way to spend a few hours of your time. I love visual reading of course, but I also am growing fond of audiobooks and this one will always be my top pick when I want to feel motivated about certain things.
  3. The mini stories: I will always be fond of the way writers add short stories which kind complete the story as a whole. I don’t think I’ve written it well enough but I hope you get it. It’s like a dream inside of a dream and you wake up completely amazed, the good kind.

And that is that,

I can go into more detail and keep talking about how much of an interesting book this is,

But I won’t, because I’d rather have you go read it and come back, and then we can both talk about it as much as we want.

Also, one thing to remember, don’t force yourself to follow anything that you’re not comfortable adding to your life,

No matter what anyone says, you should be the one taking the decisions you feel are good for you.

So, I hope you like How to Win Friends and Influence People as much as I did.

And please do not forget to tell me, what was the best part?

Keep coming back to thecaffables

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